Friday, January 25, 2013

One Amber Bead Character Match

Gamers: see bottom of this post for hints!!!







A. Henryk Bialek
B. Apolonya Zadora
C. Hanka Sienka
D. Stephania Bialek
E. Wladislaw Bialek
F. Jadzia Czarnecka
G. Antek Zadora
H. Mikosc Sienka
I. Evelina Bialek

You found it! The One Amber Bead Character Match Game. Match the characters' pictures to their names and send your answer as a Comment. Enter as many times as you'd like.
The first five winners will receive a signed copy of One Amber Bead --sent to you, or as a gift to a friend. Good Luck!

Hints: #2 is Henryk Bialek; #5 is Jadzia Czarnecka
Hints: #1 is Stephania Bialek; #6 is Antek Zadora
Good Luck!!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Zosia's World's Best Pierogi Recipe

Here it is--my grandma's pierogi recipe.

It wasn't easy to get. When asked for a recipe, grandma always said something like "get a pile of flour" or "knead it until it feels right." She never used actual recipes. So if I wanted to learn something from her, I needed to go to her kitchen and work with her. She'd put the flour in a bowl--I'd stop her and measure it. She'd knead the dough--I'd get my hands in there to see how "right" felt.

I've spent some great afternoons making pierogi with friends (none of whom were Polish!). And sharing a bottle of wine (though not absolutely necessary) does help.

If you make pierogi with this recipe, let me know how they turn out!

(from oneamberblog)