Meet Rebecca Thaddeus

I’ve always been a writer. As a child, when I wasn’t reading, I was writing. When my mother would insist on my going outside “to get some fresh air,” I would wait until she wasn’t looking to sneak out the back door holding my book or my tablet. 

I earned a doctorate in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Illinois at Chicago and taught composition, mostly at the university level, for 38 years.  During that time, I co-authored three textbooks and a number of journal articles as well as such taking on such tasks as writing admissions policies and student handbooks for the university. But I always wanted to be a novelist. Unfortunately, grading 80 student papers a week always got in the way.

 I did complete one novel while still teaching: One Amber Bead, which was published in 2011 under my pen name, Rebecca Thaddeus. I am now in my third year of retirement and my second novel, My Mother’s Daughter, was published last year. 

I also co-facilitate writers’ retreats ( and host a monthly writers’ group in my home. Now that I am retired from teaching, I focus on writing, editing, assisting beginning writers, and helping promote my published work.


  1. I loved the book and look forward to reading more of your work!
